User Manuals, Other Online Documents, and FAQs

Before calling for technical support, see if your question is listed among our growing collection of Frequently Asked Questions (with answers).

Frequently Asked Questions

An assortment of basic and advanced documents about Kinnexus are available online. Most of these are either PDFs or Microsoft Word documents, which are easily printed, wholly or in part. For introduction to or advanced master of Kinnexus' major functions, these are hard to beat. Whether you're trying to figure out list views or CMAs, or designing your own reports, print out the chapter that interests you and let it walk you through new and powerful skills to increase your success.

Online Kinnexus Documentation

Contact Your Board or Telescan

If you're a Kinnexus user in the real estate industry, you should know that Telescan itself provides first-line support for some Kinnexus systems (Warren County, Ashland), but some real estate boards provide their own first-line support (FAAR, OMREB, WCBR, Lapeer). If you need to call Telescan for support, your board may have a toll-free number for doing so, or you can call 801-492-0001. Note that Telescan does not offer round-the-clock support; staff are generally available during regular business hours in the Mountain time zone.

If you're a Kinnexus user in an industry other than real estate, call Telescan, either at 801-492-0001 or at another number which has been provided to you.

Support by E-Mail

You may also contact Telescan by e-mail for support at Please include in your e-mail the following information:

  • Your contact information, including name, return e-mail address and phone number.
  • The Kinnexus system you are trying to use. (In most cases, your geographical location will be enough.)
  • The operating system your computer uses (e.g. Windows XP).
  • If you're having trouble, a clear description of the steps you take which lead to the trouble.
  • If you don't know how to do something, a clear description of what you're attempting to do.
  • Other useful information, such as whether you've successfully used Kinnexus on the same machine before.