A Frequently-Asked KINNEXUS Question

(WCMLS Only) How do I enter an open house?

Note that this answer applies only to the Warren County [New York] MLS.

Before you try, you need to update your Kinnexus software to version 3.2 or later; to do this, follow the "Downloads" link at the top of this page.

To enter an open house for one of your own listings -- or if you are logging in as the office, one of the office's listings -- do the following:

  1. Open the listing itself for data entry, either from the Listings portfolio (or Office Listings, if you're logged in as the office), or by pulling up the listing as a search result and clicking the "Quick Edit" button at the bottom of the window. (Note: Quick Edit only appears if you have the right to edit a listing.)
  2. Click the "Create Open House" button at the bottom of the window (normally near the middle of the button bar, not near the right end). The Open House Data Entry wizard will appear. (If the Create Open House button does not appear, you are looking at a search results form, not a data entry form, or you need to scroll that section of the button bar by clicking the yellow arrow.)
  3. Fill in the data fields in the wizard. (This is much like creating a listing.) Be sure to enter both the hour and minute of the beginning and ending times. All fields in the wizard are required. Note that some information used in displaying an open house will come directly from the listing record itself and not require duplicate entry. Note also that the open house remarks will begin as a copy of the listing remarks, but may be changed at will in the open house record without changing the listing remarks themselves.
  4. Click the Finish button in the wizard (a hand writing on a pad). This will take you to a data entry form, where you may further modify open house data if you wish.

At present, open houses are coded for mapping separately from the listings themselves. You may wish to check and, if necessary, correct the mapping of the open house. (See "How do I Edit an Open House.")

Please note that this open house functionality is new and may be modified from time to time, as experience reveals the need or opportunity for improvement.