A Frequently-Asked KINNEXUS Question

(WCMLS only.) How Do I Edit an Open House?

Note that this answer applies only to the Warren County [New York] MLS.

Before you try, you need to update your Kinnexus software to version 3.2 or later; to do this, follow the "Downloads" link at the top of this page.

You can edit open houses for listings which you have right to edit. If you are logged in as an agent, these would be your own listings. If you are logged in as an office, you may edit open houses for the office.

Note that it is perfectly acceptable to change an existing open house record for a listing in order to use that record for the that listing's next open house.

To edit an open house:

Go to the Listings drawer of the System Tray (at the left side of the screen).

  1. Open the My Open Houses portfolio (if you are logged in as an agent) or the Office Open Houses portfolio (if you are logged in as the office).
  2. Select the open house you want to edit and double-click on it.
  3. Edit as desired.
  4. If you want to check or adjust the mapping of the open house, click on the Map button (while the open house is open for data entry). ALT-click on the new location on the map. You will be asked if you want to change the location to that point. Assuming you do, answer yes, and the listing will move to that point.
  5. Save your changes with the Save button in the upper tool bar. (It looks like a floppy disk.) Or answer yes when you leave the record and Kinnexus asks you whether you want to save changes.

Please note that this open house functionality is new and may be modified from time to time, as experience reveals the need or opportunity for improvement.